Friday, September 7, 2012

Last Day at the Pool and Park

Again behind on posts!! ack! Last Saturday was the last pool day of the summer at grammies. All 4 of the granbabies went in and had an awesome time. I, of course, had NO PHOTOS of the event b/c I was in the pool the whole time catching kids jumping in. It's amazing how fast they grow in a year. Last year at this time, I could barely get Luke to jump in and Addy was just beginning to swim well. Now Luke is swimming and jumping in with no abandon and Addy is doing handstands in the pool! Even Grace was enjoying herself! It also took us all summer- but we finally got jack to go in the pool to his waste and splash around!

After the pool we all dried off and went to the park. The kids had a blast and I know my 2 slept great that night! Here's photos of that!

On the giant teeter-totters


Cutie Girl


all the kids and grammie running or rolling down the hill

Addy relaxing in my lap and having a snack

Jack Snackin'

Grace showing Grammie how she got her shirt all wet at the drinking fountain

Luke rollin' away

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